The Firing Temperature Of High Alumina Brick
High alumina brick can be divided into three grades: grade Ⅰ (Al2O3>75%), grade Ⅱ (Al2O3 60%-75%) and grade Ⅲ (48%-60%).
Different grades have different firing temperatures.
(1) Grade Ⅰ: 1700-1800℃
(2) Grade Ⅱ: 1600-1700℃
(3) Grade Ⅲ: 1500-1600℃
The heating rate of the temperature varies with the material and products. Below 600℃, the temperature should be risen slowly. Between 600-1200℃, the heating rate can be reduced. Above 1200℃, the heating rate should be controled well. In the cooling process, the cooling rate should be controled well.
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